BBC One to adapt ‘The Lady Vanishes’ for Christmas
BBC One has announced the commission of The Lady Vanishes, a one-off adaptation of Ethel Lina White’s 1936 novel, The Wheel Spins.
BBC One has announced the commission of The Lady Vanishes, a one-off adaptation of Ethel Lina White’s 1936 novel, The Wheel Spins.
Based on the 2004 best-selling children’s book of the same name, The Gruffalo’s Child was this Christmas’ high profile children’s animation on BBC One.
It’s a month or so until Merlin‘s fifth series begins filming, but we caught up with Katie McGrath, who plays Morgana, for a chat recently to find out what she’s been upto.
Catch the latest Christmas episode of Doctor Who on DVD and Blu-ray from 16th January, starring Matt Smith as the Doctor, alongside a stellar guest cast including Claire Skinner (Outnumbered), Bill Bailey (Black Books) and Alexander Armstrong (Armstrong & Miller). To celebrate, we’ve got 3 copies of the DVD to give away! For a chance … >
Starring Christopher Eccleston (Doctor Who), Stephen Fry and Victoria Wood, BBC One’s Christmas 2011 adaptation of The Borrowers is released on DVD on Monday 9th January courtesy of Universal Playback. To celebrate, we’ve got 3 copies of the DVD to give away! For a chance to win, just follow CultBox on Twitter and tweet the … >
After 2010’s superb but curiously adult A Christmas Carol – in spite of the presence of the young Kazran and a giant flying shark, it was very much the story of a bitter old man’s redemption and his love for a beautiful young woman frozen metaphorically and literally in time – Doctor Who’s festive special … >
Guest starring Claire Skinner (Outnumbered), comedian Bill Bailey, Arabella Weir (The Fast Show) and Alexander Armstrong (Armstrong & Miller), Doctor Who returns for a 60-minute Christmas special.
ITV1 have released another set of photos from the filming of Downton Abbey‘s Christmas episode.
You can’t help but smile. It’s The Doctor. At Christmas. Just sit back with your selection box and watch him shine.
Guest starring Claire Skinner (Outnumbered), comedian Bill Bailey, Arabella Weir (The Fast Show) and Alexander Armstrong (Armstrong & Miller), Doctor Who returns for a 60-minute Christmas special.