Win ‘Straw Dogs’ Blu-rays!

Coinciding with its 40th anniversary and with the forthcoming remake, director Sam Peckinpah’s notorious thriller Straw Dogs has been carefully restored and remastered for release on two-disc DVD and for the first time ever as a features-packed Special Edition Blu-ray on Monday 24th October. To celebrate the release, we’ve got copies of the Blu-ray to … >

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‘Doctor Who’ poll results: 5 scariest episodes

CultBox asked you to vote for the Doctor Who story that frightens you the most. Here we count down the results of the poll…   #5: ‘The Time of Angels’ / ‘Flesh and Stone’ (6.8%) So, ‘Flesh and Stone’ may have diluted the concept of the Weeping Angels, making them defeatable not by keeping your … >

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Top 5 John Carpenter films

Some diehard fans will bemoan the lack of The Fog, Escape from New York or Dark Star; all three deserve honourable mention, though it’s the nature of these cult movies to divide opinion.

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Win ‘Paranormal Activity 3’ goodies and mini HD video cameras!

To celebrate the release of Paranormal Activity 3, at cinemas everywhere October 21 (cert 15), we’ve teamed up with Paramount Pictures UK to give away three sets of mini HD video cameras, posters and USB joke devices! For a chance to win, we want you to send us your best horror-movie scream! Just record a … >

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