tunnel 2

‘The Tunnel’ Episode 2 review

Even in 2013 society doesn’t respect its elders, or treat them well enough. It’s as if those ’70s and ’80s pop hits ‘Grandpa We Love You’, and ‘There’s No One Quite Like Grandma’ were all for naught. Perhaps it’s time to round up all the celebrity codgers and codgettes for an elderly-awareness charity single, Band Aid style. They could call it ‘Hearing Aid’. Or something.

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‘The Tunnel’ Episode 1 spoiler-free review

It’s not surprising that Scandinavian culture-clash cop show The Bridge has been adapted. What is surprising is that more dramas haven’t been based around The Channel Tunnel. The 31 mile subaquatic claustrophobia pipe filled with hurtling metal and disparate lives is a big concrete sausage of stories, yet to date the most dramatic thing to have happened in it was the denouement to Mission: Impossible. And that was 17 years ago.

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