‘We wonder who-oo-oo-oo-oo is Doctor Who…’

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CultBoxed remarked recently that one of the more bizarre by-products of the long-gone ‘let it all hang out’ era was the plethora of pop singles released by TV stars in the guise of the character they played onscreen.

If you thought Jon Pertwee’s ‘I am the Doctor’ was a bizarre blend of po-faced mystical nonsense and the Doctor Who theme tune, wait until you hear Frazer Hines – Jamie McCrimmon in the series between 1966 and 1969 – attempting a dizzying mixture of anodyne psychedelic rock and in-depth probing of his Time Lord chum’s antecedents entitled ‘Who’s Doctor Who’.

And if you don’t believe it’s in-character, the follow-up (sadly pulled before release after the chart failure of its predecessor) was to be titled ‘Jamie’s Away in his Time Machine’. Like, wow, man…