How do Shows Like Narcos Affect the Economies of Countries They Are Based in?

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The show Narcos has risen to prominence as one of the most popular shows on Netflix, bringing in an estimated average of 3.2 million viewers in 2015 (and potentially many more now). This is no doubt good for Netflix, the show’s creator, but shows like this may also have the potential to positively impact the countries they are filmed in. Here are some of the varied ways they can do this through generating increased interest in these countries.


The most obvious effect the filming of a major production can have on any given country is on tourism. With millions of viewers tuning in to popular shows, it makes sense that many of the more dedicated fans may wish to visit the country in which their favourite show was filmed.

This has been the case with Narcos, which has attracted tourists to Columbia. Whilst the Columbian government is not entirely satisfied with being painted as a dangerous, cartel ridden country, it accepts that the show reveals the country’s stunning views and brings positive tourism benefits to the once dangerous country.

Game of Thrones

HBO’s fantasy series Game of Thrones is another good example of how a show can provide significant economic boosts. It has been estimated that the show generates in an estimated £150 million from increased tourism, on top of the tax paid by the show to the government.

Clearly there is a lucrative market for countries wishing to capitalise on the success of shows filmed within their borders. The money generated from tourism gives them further opportunities to invest in attractions/ services which can be marketed to people around the globe to increase overall interest in them as a destination.

Investment Opportunities

For those using brokers like LCG to invest in the shares of tourist based businesses and companies based around film locations, the increased tourism can help to boost the value of their shares and encourage them to invest further in these companies.

It can also bring in more money for the governments of these countries, who can then spend the increased profits on improving their country and investing in their own economy.

Popular films and TV shows bring numerous benefits to the countries they are filmed in, not least because they create tourist attractions for fans to visit in droves. This provides significant revenues from increased tourism, with many of the tourists going on guided tours, visiting film locations and booking accommodation in the surrounding area.

In fact, it seems that aside from some potential disruptions when filming is taking place, there are virtually no negative effects from filming for the countries in which filming takes place. This should gives them plenty of cause to celebrate when a production company comes to town.