‘The Tunnel’ Episode 3 review

In fiction, it never pays to be a randy teen. You’re always being chased through your house by some knife-wielding fiend in a Halloween mask, or attacked by a werewolf while smooching with your sweetheart in your dad’s Studebaker at Make-Out Point.

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‘The Escape Artist’ Episode 1 review

Workaholic junior barrister Will Burton (David Tennant) has a happy home life with his wife and son, splitting their time between an attractive London flat and a country cottage. He also enjoys professional acclaim and a healthy professional rivalry with one of his contemporaries, Maggie Gardner.

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‘Atlantis’: ‘White Lies’ review

After a daring break-in at the palace, Ariadne received news of her long lost brother who was believed dead. With the intruder caught, the Princess concealed his news but a suspicious Pasiphae set out to uncover the truth.

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tunnel 2

‘The Tunnel’ Episode 2 review

Even in 2013 society doesn’t respect its elders, or treat them well enough. It’s as if those ’70s and ’80s pop hits ‘Grandpa We Love You’, and ‘There’s No One Quite Like Grandma’ were all for naught. Perhaps it’s time to round up all the celebrity codgers and codgettes for an elderly-awareness charity single, Band Aid style. They could call it ‘Hearing Aid’. Or something.

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‘Ripper Street’ Series 2 Episode 1 spoiler-free review

In the opening moments of ‘Pure As The Driven’, a policeman is hurled through the first floor window of an East London building and impaled on the iron railings below, and – BAM! – just like that we’re back in the grimy, gritty, glorious action of BBC One’s Victorian crime drama Ripper Street. Meaning, in other words, that it’s time to reach for the smelling salts.

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