‘Red Dwarf’: Series X Episode 4 review
The journey that the characters go through not only has that trademark Dwarf cheek and charm, but also a few sprinkles of the series’ trademark surrealist wit.
The journey that the characters go through not only has that trademark Dwarf cheek and charm, but also a few sprinkles of the series’ trademark surrealist wit.
It’s an unmistakably different Fringe, but it is one that remembers just what makes the show so special.
‘Another’s Sorrow’ provides both another solid step on the road to Albion and an enjoyable romp for the regulars, with a superb guest cast to boot.
You definitely have to be in a certain state of mind to draw full enjoyment out of ITV2’s Switch.
Like an express pulling out of a station, the second season of Homeland started hesitantly but is now building up a head of steam.
Daisy’s latest storyline is only one among many magic wands that are routinely deployed in this drama to re-set the action every other week.
Much like the North-East, Hebburn is a bit rough round the edges, but full of the heart and local laughter that’ll keep you coming back for more.
Following the action adventure that opened the series, this feels like a distinct gear change towards something more intimate.
It’s a slow episode again that only bursts out of torpor when the brutal and well-mounted action scenes kick in.
Perhaps the strongest episode from Series X so far, this episode has so much going for it.