‘Upstairs Downstairs’: Series 2 Episode 1 review
Upstairs Downstairs is a much more brittle drama than the more emotionally demonstrative Downton Abbey.
Upstairs Downstairs is a much more brittle drama than the more emotionally demonstrative Downton Abbey.
Appropriately for an episode set partly in a café, this felt like more of a bread and butter episode of Being Human – and yet, there are still elements in it to intrigue.
After two very different but very strong episodes The Graveyard Shift feels as much like a warning as it does a title.
We’re up to the third episode of Vengeance, and we now have a clearer picture of what this follow-up series looks like.
Franky’s feminine transformation this series has transformed her into an infinitely more confident, yet considerably less likeable manifestation of her former self.
After last week’s bamboozler of an opener, tonight’s follow-up was an attempt to restore normal service with a return to the domestic comedy of earlier series.
After successfully completing another grift, the team takes a visit to Albert’s past, only to find the building he completed his first ‘job’ in has been torn down.
In the opening instalment of Tony Basgallop’s thriller, all three principal characters seemed fairly appealing – and crucially, all of them were interesting and believable.
Eternal Law wraps up with a sense of never really having got started: six episodes of great acting, witty dialogue, a beautiful setting and a strong concept marred by lack of development.
This is a quiet episode, a slower episode; the kind that harks back to Series 1 in its intimacy and focus.