Audio review: Torchwood One – Machines

Back for a second box set based at Torchwood One after the success of Before The Fall, we return for another trio of London based stories with Yvonne Hartman and Ianto Jones, before their world was so rudely interrupted by warring Daleks and Cybermen. With a looser theme than the previous set, these stories begin … >

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Doctor Who: Red Planets review

Kicking off a larger than normal tranche of Sylvester McCoy seventh Doctor stories is the main range two-disc release, Una McCormack’s Red Planets. With the Doctor are companions Ace (Sophie Aldred) trapped in 1961 Berlin, and Mel (Bonnie Langford). Mel is with the Doctor in 2017, but something is wrong: welcome to the Kingdom of … >

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Ackley Bridge series 2 episode 1 recap

Despite using its six episodes to explore a whole range of important social issues, one big problem with Ackley Bridge series one was that it failed to really address what it advertised itself as. The show wasn’t about how religion and culture can separate friendships, and now that pretense has been shed the second series … >

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Doctor Who: The Helliax Rift review

Despite being an essential part of the Pertwee years, the Doctor’s connection with UNIT – his alien-fighting army allies – faded within two years of Tom Baker’s arrival in Doctor Who and they were not seen again en masse until the last series of the classic era. With Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and co hailing from the 1970s/80s … >

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The Good Karma Hospital: series 2 episode 6 review

“It’s hard to hide how you feel about someone.” “Sometimes love is worth the risk.” Episode 6 of The Good Karma Hospital begins with Hari, a young fisherman, being pursued along the beach by an angry mob. When his beaten bloodied body is then dumped outside the hospital, eyewitness AJ is forced into some quick … >

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The Good Karma Hospital: series 2 episode 5 review

“We treat what’s in front of us and we move on. This job’s hard enough without making moral judgements on our patients.” Episode 5 of The Good Karma Hospital begins with Dr Nair treating his fiancée to a surprise breakfast on the beach, but he’s barely sat down at the table before being called in … >

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The Good Karma Hospital: series 2 episode 4 review

“What do they say? Life laughs at those who make plans.” Episode 4 of The Good Karma Hospital begins with Doctors Walker and Varma still at the picturesque plantation, still reeling from last week’s cliffhanger revelation. “He wants to talk to you.” “Who? My uncle or my father?” Varma tries to mediate but Ruby is … >

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