Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. seated and holding a cricket bat

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio stories: October 2016 reviews round-up

In another busy month from the Doctor Who audio producers, we celebrate Torchwood’s Tenth Anniversary with the special release ‘The Torchwood Archive’ and John Hurt returns in another trio of adventures for the ‘The War Doctor Volume 3: Agents of Chaos’. Also, those stalwart Victorian investigators of the infernal, Jago & Litefoot notch up their … >

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‘Black Mirror’ review: ‘Hated in the Nation’ has some real gut-punch moments

Netflix’s new run of Black Mirror goes out with a real sting in this feature-length instalment… Despite every episode having the scope of a movie, Season 3’s finale ‘Hated in the Nation’ is the first regular Black Mirror episode stretched out to 90 minutes. Yes, there was 2014’s festive special ‘White Christmas’, but that was an … >

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