‘Merlin’: ‘The Disir’ spoiler-free review
With Colin Morgan simply superb in some heart wrenching scenes, this is stirring stuff and perhaps the best this series has offered so far.
With Colin Morgan simply superb in some heart wrenching scenes, this is stirring stuff and perhaps the best this series has offered so far.
Switch continues to be the TV equivalent of eating a tub of ice cream under a blanket on a Monday night.
Skyfall may well be one of the best Bond films but, for the casual listener who wants to feel a bit more 007 during their commute, its score sadly leaves much to be desired.
Misfits has, to quote Rudy, ‘New powers, a hint of sexual possibility, tears, laughter, horribly graphic violence…’
Rather than being staid or humdrum, Homeland is now heading into the great unknown, unpredictable and unmissable.
We never thought we’d be writing this two years ago, but we quite like Thomas these days.
Week four of Pouted; we’re halfway through and still it seems we haven’t really got terribly far.
The journey that the characters go through not only has that trademark Dwarf cheek and charm, but also a few sprinkles of the series’ trademark surrealist wit.
It’s an unmistakably different Fringe, but it is one that remembers just what makes the show so special.
‘Another’s Sorrow’ provides both another solid step on the road to Albion and an enjoyable romp for the regulars, with a superb guest cast to boot.