‘Stolen’ review

Stolen opens with the legend, ‘Once upon a time…’ printed on the screen. Like the fairytales that two German brothers collected and published in the nineteenth century, this is about as Grimm a story as it gets.

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‘Luther’: Series 2 Episode 4 review

Even in a modern entertainment world where America, France and even Denmark are routinely exporting excellent psychological police thrillers as if there’s a NATO surplus, Neil Cross has proved with this show that British television hasn’t forgotten how to make them either.

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‘Luther’: Series 2 Episode 3 review

One of the (many) great things about Luther is the bad guys. Despite their diabolical schemes and vicious acts of mass murder, they’re not bald-headed men in secret lairs. Instead, they’re frighteningly ordinary-looking young men.

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‘Luther’: Series 2 Episode 2 review

The second instalment of the new series sees what started as a fairly narrow story opening up around John Luther (Idris Elba) as he searches for salvation amid the wreckage of his private life and the darkness that his life as a policeman brings him into incessant contact with.

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