ATA Girl 2

ATA Girl 2 audio drama review

Big Finish released ATA Girl 2 for International Women’s Day, giving listeners two more compelling stories about the Air Transport Auxillary (ATA). For those who don’t know, the ATA were a group of 168 women pilots who ferried aircraft around the UK during World War II. This adds to the much praised 2018 release ATA Girl … >

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Dorian Gray: Isolation – free audio drama review

Dorian Gray: Isolation is a free 18 minute download from Big Finish. Created in its entirety in four days whilst the team were in quarantine, it’s a reflective take on the impact of Covid 19. We last met Dorian in The Lost Confessions, those were apocryphal, this is a tale for our times. Cue Dorian… … >

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Doctor Who The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles cover artwork

The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles audio review

The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles brings Big Finish into Doctor Who’s recent past for more partially-narrated adventures. The first foray into this era outside of the fully narrated Short Trips range, these stories star Jacob Dudman, the remarkable vocal mimic who has also lent his voice to both the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. He is joined … >

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Blake's 7 Restoration Part 3 - Big Finish - cover

Blake’s 7 Restoration Part 3 review

The already-impressive Blake’s 7 Restoration trilogy reaches a fitting (and a more than a little emotional) conclusion in this just-released final four-story boxset. These closing stories make their canonically adept way through a series of entertaining adventures that attempt to address the unanswered questions posed in the first TV series: what were the intentions of … >

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Gallifrey: Time War 3 audio review

Set in a time when Doctor Who fans only had the Time War to worry about, Gallifrey: Time War 3 is now the eleventh set of stories in this range released over a period of sixteen years. Following events in previous boxset, our heroes Romana (Lalla Ward) and Narvin (Sean Carlsen) are now exiled from their home world … >

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Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 cover artwork

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 continues Big Finish’s sojourn within the “E-Space Trilogy”. Set during Tom Baker’s final television season, two four-part stories feature companions Romana, Adric and K9. Returning to their own universe involves travelling through a CVE, a Charged Vacuum Emboitement, and the search for such a spatial anomaly is … >

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Torchwood: Dissected

Torchwood: Dissected review

An urgent autopsy for a young man who’s suffered a suspicious death provides a stressful context for an overdue reunion, as Gwen Cooper meets up with former colleague Dr Martha Jones in the latest Torchwood monthly audio release from Big Finish. Dissected is a skilful two-hander character-piece brought to life (in the midst of death) … >

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Doctor Who Deleted Scenes cover artwork

Deleted Scenes – Doctor Who Short Trips 10.2 audio review

Deleted Scenes, released on St. Valentine’s Day, brings a touch of romance to the world of sixties Doctor Who. Not for the Doctor himself, but for Jamie, as the TARDIS materialises in Paris, 1908 and the pair become involved in the film business. Travelling after Victoria’s departure, the Doctor and Jamie accept the hospitality of … >

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