Doctor Who The Psychic Circus cover artwork

The Psychic Circus – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 261 audio review

The Psychic Circus serves as both sequel and prequel to The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, the Season 25 story. With writer Stephen Wyatt returning to his creation, it also reunites original cast members with Sylvester McCoy’s Seventh Doctor. With a junk mail robot taunting the Doctor about being scared, the story begins with familiar … >

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The Infinite Today – Doctor Who Short Trips 10.1 audio review

The Infinite Today kicks off a new year of Short Trips, reuniting the redoubtable Jo Jones (née Grant) with the Eleventh Doctor. The tale begins with Jo en route to Mexico, but waking to find herself landing back at Gatwick Airport. Baffled and doubting, she boards another flight, full of worryingly familiar crew and passengers; … >

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Doctor Who at BBC Studios Showcase: a summary

Guests at BBC Studios Showcase in Liverpool were treated to Doctor Who entertainment and a special panel on Monday and Tuesday, February 10 and 11. BBC Studios Showcase is an annual invitation-only event in Liverpool where BBC Studios’ sales clients and production partners see previews of BBC Studios programmes, meet actors, creatives and decision makers … >

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Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Vol 1 cover art

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1 returns us to Tom Baker’s final season on-screen. Set during the “E-Space trilogy”, it reunites the Doctor with Romana II, Adric and K9 for the first time on audio. Notwithstanding some interesting stories, and our favourite version of Tom’s outfit, we find this era of Doctor Who hard work. … >

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Chris Chibnall and Jodie Whittaker to participate in Doctor Who event at BBC Studios Showcase

Showrunner Chris Chibnall and thirteenth Doctor actress Jodie Whittaker will discuss the “legacy and future of the quintessentially British Time Lord” at the center of the television show Doctor Who in a scripted session held at the 2020 BBC Studios Showcase mid February. BBC Studios Showcase is an invitation-only event in Liverpool where BBC Studios’ … >

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Sophie Aldred, Vinay Patel and Simon Guerrier to celebrate 15 years of revived Doctor Who

To celebrate 15 years since the 2005 relaunch of Doctor Who, London Book & Screen Week will host a panel moderated by award-winning journalist and broadcaster Samira Ahmed with actress Sophie Aldred, screenwriter Vinay Patel and writer Simon Guerrier. Sophie Aldred, best known as the Seventh Doctor’s companion Ace, has been working as a professional … >

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Doctor Who Dark Universe cover artwork

Dark Universe – Doctor Who Monthly Adventures 260 audio review

Dark Universe heralds a fresh year of Doctor Who Monthly Adventures at Big Finish. It is a release which makes narrative connections in many directions, but the headline must its be choice of companion. Set some twenty years after they travelled together, the story sees the Seventh Doctor encounter Ace. The other notable familiar face … >

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Cover for The War Master: Anti-Genesis

The War Master: Anti-Genesis audio review

The War Master: Anti-Genesis is the latest boxset of audio dramas to chronicle the exploits of Derek Jacobi’s Master during the Time War; the temporal conflict between his own people and the Daleks. The problem with a concept so unfathomable, however, is that us mere mortals can really only handle a small slice. Luckily, this … >

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Torchwood - Fortitude

Torchwood: Fortitude review

Things are all sea once again in the latest monthly Torchwood audio release Fortitude. Members of the Torchwood family last took to the waves back in July’s offering Sargasso. In that Doctor Who-monster themed story, Rhys battled the Nestene Consciousness aboard a drifting container ship. In sharp contrast Fortitude shifts the timeline from the present … >

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The Diary of River Song series 7 audio review

River Song has finished (for now?) working her way through the back catalogue of Doctors, and gets a chance to widen her horizons. In The Diary of River Song Series 7 that means Alex Kingston plays River in a variety of guises; holiday-maker, nun, potential murderer and detective. There’s no big arc, just four great … >

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