The War Master - Only The Good

Doctor Who: The War Master – Only The Good audio review

Over the years Big Finish have told some great stories with the wonderful Geoffrey Beevers – one of the emaciated “crispy” Masters – as well as their own inspired casting of Alex MacQueen. Setting stories in the Time War era however offers the chance for a slice of dream casting, with Sir Derek Jacobi returning … >

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Vic and Bob’s Big Night Out review

The middle-aged dads of alternative comedy return once more with a holiday special which -as can only be expected from the pair- has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas or the New Year. This return of the cult comedy hit conjures a half hour of surreal vignettes, made up of set-pieces and sketches which contain … >

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Little Women episode one review

Retelling the tale of Four head-strong sisters during the American Civil war as they evolve from childhood to womanhood, Little Women is a timeless classic that has been adapted into many forms; from film to opera. However, Gillian Armstrong’s filmic adaptation being 13 years old, means there’s a new generation of audience needing their own … >

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Doctor Who ‘Twice Upon a Time’ review

A two thousand-and-something year old man said it last Christmas, and it feels even more apt now: ‘Everything ends, and it’s always sad. But everything begins again too, and that’s always happy.’ And that’s what we have right here. An ending and a new beginning. Sad and happy all at once. Very Moffat. The mourning of … >

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The Highway Rat review

Magic Light Productions have treated everyone to yet another Christmas delight. The company behind The Stickman. Gruffalo and 2012’s Room on a Broom have adapted the popular children’s story by Julia Donaldson for perfect post-lunch viewing. The 30 minute outing follows the titular character, Highway Rat, on his journey and growth from selfish cake thief to … >

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Doctor Who: Static review

With a chilling cold open, in which a companion calls out in desperation for the Doctor’s help, it is clear that we are in for a terrifying time as the latest Big Finish Colin Baker Doctor Who trilogy concludes. Travelling in the company of Phillipa ‘Flip’ Ramon, nee Jackson (Lisa Greenwood) and Leading Wren Mrs Constance … >

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Peaky Blinders series 4 episode 5 Review (spoilers)

In his (thoroughly excellent) book about the making of Doctor Who, ‘The Writer’s Tale’, Russell T Davies describes dialogue as ‘two monologues clashing’. ‘Everyone,’ he says, ‘is always, always thinking about themselves.’ And though that applies to every drama, it feels especially appropriate to Peaky Blinders, and especially this week. Everyone’s got an agenda, and … >

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