UNIT Encounters review

After the high-octane widescreen epic that was the previous set UNIT: Extinction, it’s a change of pace for UNIT: Encounters. We have four stories exploring various facets of the UNIT world, with some good exploration of both Kate Stewart (Jemma Redgrave) and Osgood (Ingrid Oliver). While there’s no big enemy looming large, there is something … >

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Doctor Who: The Middle review

This main range Big Finish Doctor Who release features Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor, travelling with his current duo of audio companions, Flip and Constance. As a pair, the two could not be more different in background and age and it is the latter aspect which plays heavily into ‘The Middle’. The story is high-ish concept sci-fi … >

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Survivors series 7 review

With this seventh boxset in their Survivors range, Big Finish reaches an important milestone – the audio dramas have now covered the whole of the timeline of the television series from the 1970s. This release marks this by giving us a set of powerful stories for the three key characters (Abby, Jenny and Greg) as … >

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Peaky Blinders series 4 episode 3 review (spoilers)

It tends to be the way that episodes of Peaky Blinders that pay slightly more attention to Arthur are the ones that manage to hold your faces closer to the screen just that little bit longer. That’s partly because Arthur has always been more interesting than his brother – more unstable, more emotional, and just … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips: The Ingenious Gentleman Adric Of Alzarius review

The Doctor Who Short Trips range continues with Matthew Waterhouse narrating The Ingenious Gentleman Adric Of Alzarius, a fifth Doctor, Adric (of course), Nyssa and Tegan story. As the synopsis hints, writer Julian Richards takes Adric to a mythic landscape, where there be giants (or perhaps windmills), an evil enchanter, a hero in the form … >

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Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor Adventures Volume 2 review – David Tennant and Billie Piper return!

While the Tenth Doctor has adventured with Big Finish before, paired with the glorious Donna Noble, bringing back Billie Piper’s Rose Tyler demands a different feel; 2006 was the second series of a big hit, the much anticipated return of a show which had surprised everyone and needed to prove that their new star, David … >

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Peaky Blinders series 4 episode 2 review

One of Peaky Blinders‘ chief appeals (y’know, beyond the excellent cast, Stephen Knight’s compelling writing, and David Caffrey’s razor-in-your-cap sharp direction), is that it manages to engender the feeling of instability in the viewer. Across each series, each episode, there’s an unpredictable web of tension, and a sensation that at any moment anyone could die, … >

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Torchwood Aliens Among Us 2 cover art crop

Torchwood: Aliens Among Us Part 2 audio boxset review

Continuing the new fifth series of Torchwood, as full-bloodied full cast audio drama, Captain Jack Harkness and his team are back on the mean streets of present day Cardiff for Aliens Among Us Part 2.  Following on the heels of Part 1, which introduced new characters and a tough alien-infused situation in the city they … >

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