15 of the best ‘Doctor Who’ team-ups

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From past Doctors returning to help save the day to villains ganging up, here’s our guide to some of Doctor Who’s most memorable team-up moments, both good and bad…


‘The Three Doctors’

doctor who the three doctors

With a severely reduced role due to William Hartnell’s ill health, Doctor Who’s 10th Anniversary show brought Patrick Troughton back to play with Jon Pertwee and his UNIT era pals in colour.

Ever entertaining, with the Doctor up against founding Time Lord Omega, ‘The Three Doctors’ is unapologetic fun which creates a wonderful bickering relationship between Doctor’s Two and Three – one that the actors continued onto the convention circuit for many years.


The Brigadier and the Brigadier in ‘Mawdryn Undead’

Doctor Who Brigadier Mawdryn Undead

As if catching up with a forgetful Brigadier for the first time in eight years was not enough of a big deal, 1983’s ‘Mawdryn Undead’ had the audacity to bring him back twice – once in the present and once from 1977.

Highlighting the dangers of bumping into yourself, the story also in famously created a giant hole in continuity which fans know as the UNIT Dating controversy – nothing to do with Jo Grant’s nights on the town with Mike Yates!


The Sixth Doctor and Peri meet The Second Doctor and Jamie in ‘The Two Doctors’

Doctor Who The Two Doctors

For no particular reason that we can divine, other than that Patrick Troughton was up for it, the Second Doctor and Jamie returned for a fan pleasing, if continuity troubling, appearance with the Sixth Doctor.

Written by show stalwart Robert Holmes, the Sixth came to the aid of the Second who had become entangled in a scheme to grant the Sontarans the power of time travel and much of the action was set in sunny Seville.

If you are the kind of fan that cannot get your head around notions of a Season 6B, there is always another explanation thanks to Big Finish’s Early Adventure ‘The Black Hole’.


Daleks v Cybermen in ‘Doomsday’

Doctor Who Daleks v Cybermen Doomsday

It seems so obvious now, but putting the pepperpots up against the tin soldiers was something Doctor Who had never done on screen. Unsurprisingly, the hateful Daleks have no trouble with a bit of ‘pest control’.


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