7 cameos we’d love to see in new ‘Doctor Who’ spin-off ‘Class’

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With the Doctor taking a gap year in 2016, save for a Christmas Special, we can at least look forward to the debut of BBC Three’s new Doctor Who spin-off series, Class.

While we are excited to see the new places writer Patrick Ness takes us, we also cannot help but speculate about the potential for some cameos too…


Professor Celeste Rivers

Professor Celeste Rivers Floella Benjamin The Sarah Jane Adventures The Eternity Trap

One of Sarah Jane Smith’s loyal allies, Professor Rivers of the Pharos Institute dealt with advanced technology and undertook investigations into unexplained phenomena.

We could easily foresee the Institute taking an interest in the Coal Hill School, and who wouldn’t like to see Floella Benjamin stalking the halls looking for something unnatural?



Doctor Who Osgood Kate Stewart

For that matter, might we expect a visitation from UNIT’s finest?

We could see UNIT taking over the school as a base of operations with Osgood setting up in the science block and Kate Stewart settling into the Head’s chair.


The Doctor

Doctor Who The Caretaker Doctor

Of course, the ultimate cameo would be from the School’s former temporary caretaker and it would not be without precedent; both the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors made appearances in The Sarah Jane Adventures.

It sounds like Peter Capaldi is just waiting for the call


> Buy the complete Season 9 box set on DVD on Amazon.

> Buy the complete Season 9 box set on Blu-ray on Amazon.

Which Doctor Who characters would you like to appear in Class? Let us know below…

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