10 ‘Rogue One’ Easter eggs you might have missed

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Here are 10 Rogue One Easter eggs you may have missed…


The Rebels Connection

The Rebels animated series filled to bursting with movie cameos (Lando, Darth Vader, Yoda, we could be here for a while) but for the first time, it’s happening in reverse.

If you look closely at one of the wide shots of the Yavin Temple, you can see the Ghost (the Rebels equivalent of the Millennium Falcon) on the far left and it makes a brief cameo over Scarif with the rest of the Rebel fleet when Admiral Raddus arrives on the scene.

Elsewhere, if you listen closely during the scenes on Yavin, one of Rebels’ main characters Hera Syndulla is name-checked, with an intercom message calling a General Syndulla to the briefing room. And staying with the action on Yavin, the Ghost crew’s murderous Astromech droid Chopper briefly turns up in the background of a shot focused on Mon Mothma.

That’s two Rebels characters that Darth Vader won’t be putting a lightsaber through any time soon. And it looks like Captain Syndulla’s due for a promotion. There’s another much bigger Rebels cameo in store, but we’ll get to that.


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