10 ‘Rogue One’ Easter eggs you might have missed

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Here are 10 Rogue One Easter eggs you may have missed…


Red Five Standing By

It’s the backstory absolutely nobody asked for: How did Luke Skywalker get the call-sign “Red Five”? Well, don’t worry. Thanks to the Lucasfilm Story Group’s astonishing attention to detail we have the answer. And you thought that extra on Cloud City with the ice cream maker getting his own backstory was pedantic. Except that guy got his own action figure.

When the Rebel fleet arrives at Scarif, Red and Gold Squadron are with them (more on that later), and we hear those familiar words “Red Five standing by”. And since this pilot clearly isn’t Luke Skywalker, you can probably guess/remember what happens next.

Yep, it’s thanks to our disposable friend getting blown up by an unusually competent TIE Pilot that Luke became Red Five in A New Hope. Maybe a Red Squadron call-sign is just as a big a death mark as a Red Shirt.

And finally, as an extra tribute to the Rebel pilots of yesteryear, several members of Blue Squadron are sporting some very 70s sideburns and facial hair. Well, except Blue Three. A role played by British actress Geraldine James in a possible nod to the elderly and female pilots that were cut and redubbed out of Return Of The Jedi.


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