Top 10 heartbreaking moments in Russell T Davies’ ‘Doctor Who’ era

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As we approach its tenth anniversary, why don’t you remind yourselves of a few of the most heartbreaking moments in Russell T Davies’ era of Doctor Who



2) “Rose Tyler, I…”

Doctor Who Doomsday

Over two seasons, the Doctor and Rose’s feelings for each other went beyond friendship. In Season 2’s finale, The Doctor and Rose’s hearts weren’t the only ones that were broken – it destroyed everyone watching, including those who never even cared for The Doctor and Rose being a ‘thing’.

When The Doctor’s goodbye of was cut off before he could proclaim his love – well, that was just the cherry on top of the heart-breaking ice-cream sundae that was ‘Doomsday’.


1) “Don’t make me go back. Doctor, please! Please don’t make me go back.”

Doctor Who Journeys End Donna

Before Donna met The Doctor, she was unhappy, a woman who shouted constantly just to be heard at all. But then The Doctor came along, and she started saving lives- she realised how important she was.

Season 4’s finale saw The Doctor forced to erase the memories of everything she saw and who she became. She returned to thinking she was unimportant. Now that is about as heart-breaking as it gets.


Do you have any more heartbreaking moments to add to the list? Let us know below…

> Read more by Livvy Boote on her blog.