Will there be a full season of ‘Doctor Who’ in 2016?

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With rumours and hearsay swirling like a TARDIS in the time vortex, we’ve collated everything together to see if we can come up with an answer to what might happen to Doctor Who next year…


So what shape might the show take in 2016?

Right now it seems like there are two possibilities, both of which we’ve encountered before; either a split season, like Season 7 in 2012-2013, or a handful of specials, as we had in 2009 while production was being handed over from the RTD/Gardner team to the Moffat/Wenger/Willis team.

If it were the latter, it would fuel speculation that Moffat would be leaving the show and handing it over to whoever he’s been grooming for the job. Right now that’s pure speculation. So feel free to speculate.

If you had to choose the lesser of two evils, would you prefer six episodes in 2016, then a Christmas Special, then a further six episodes? Or would you like a couple of Sherlock-style feature-length specials?

Doctor Who Planet of the Dead

In all likelihood we’ll get a repeat of the split Season 7 format, or some variation of it, with a Christmas 2016 episode in the middle. Remember, with Jenna Coleman leaving at some point in Season 9, we’ve got a new companion to introduce, and it’s unlikely that would take place in a one-off episode.

That said, there’s something about chopping up a season of Doctor Who that really saps the energy from it, exposing weaker episodes like ‘The Curse of the Black Spot’ and ‘The Power of Three’. It’s all over before we have the chance to properly enjoy it/rant about it.


I feel helpless and angry. And in need of a breakfast cereal recommendation…

Totally understandable. Me too. Have a big mug of sweet tea and enjoy this commercial from the ‘70s, in which the Daleks attempt to destroy the Time Lords using high-fibre breakfast cereal, the fiends…


> Buy Season 9 on DVD on Amazon.

> Buy Season 9 on Blu-ray on Amazon.

How do you think Doctor Who will air in 2016? Let us know below…

> Follow Rob Smedley on Twitter.