Doctor Who Alternate History: Born in the Who-S-A!

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The Seventies! 

1969-1974: Richard Mulligan as the Doctor (beating Leslie Nielsen & William Shatner to the part), Susan Oliver as Liz Shaw, Goldie Hawn as Jo Grant, Richard Anderson as General Leland Stewart, Jack Cassidy as the Master, Susan St James as Sarah Jane Smith.

Richard Mulligan

1974-81: Dick Van Dyke as the Doctor (beating Alan Alda to the part), Larry Hagman as Harry Sullivan, William Smithers as the Master, Lynda Carter as Leela, Jaclyn Smith & Lindsay Wagner as Romana, Pam Dawber as Tegan, Victoria Principal as Nyssa, Scott Baio as Adric.

Dick Van Dyke (Pictured here with Carol Burnett)