Jodie Whittaker delivers important advice on behalf of doctors

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As part of the campaign ‘United we stand, 2m apart.’, the BBC shared a message from Jodie Whittaker on social media urging people to do their part in hindering the spread of the highly-contagious COVID-19 virus.

Whittaker delivered the message in full costume as the Doctor on the popular television series Doctor Who.

The full text of Whittaker’s message on behalf of the National Health Service of the United Kingdom is as follows:

“From one doctor on behalf of every doctor, nurse carer and frontline worker, please remember these important rules. Stay at home. Only go outside for food, health reasons or work, if your work definitely can’t be done from home. Stay two metres/six feet away from other people. Wash your hands, anyone can spread the virus. Stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives. You’ve got this.”

The next day, another video of Jodie Whittaker was released with the emphasis on people being supportive of each other, being considerate and staying connected remotely.

Whittaker had previously recorded a message of encouragement from her home, also in costume, on March 25, declaring “Darkness never prevails!”

Please remember to follow the Doctor’s orders and darkness won’t prevail.