Channel 5 launching new channel for “premium content”

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Adding to its roster of channels that already include 5, 5 Star, 5 USA, My5 and Spike, Channel 5 is launching another in the UK.

It goes by the name of 5Prime (er, there’s no space), and it’ll be for “premium” shows. Thus, it’ll feature first run series, and the pick of Channel 5’s output. It’s expected that documentaries, factual series and dramas will form the bulk of the channel’s schedules.

There is a casualty in the midst of all this. The My5 TV channel is being retired, although it’ll still exist as a catch-up and boxset service.

5Prime is being headed up by James Brown, and he said in an official statement that “as the home of Channel 5’s critically acclaimed premium content, 5PRIME is a welcome and complementary addition to the Channel 5 family of channels. Viewers can enjoy appointment-to-view programs and special themed evenings ranging from history to natural history, drama to documentary”.

The new channel is expected to go live in January.