
This might just be the best site yet for exploring Netflix

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As terrific as it is to have so much at your fingertips when exploring Netflix, working your way around the service can be a bit of a chore. It’s not unusual to find a film that you’ve wanted to see on Netflix out of the blue, only to discover that it’s been there for months and you’ve not had any idea. Unless you’re a judicious user of the search function, simply browsing barely seems to scratch the surface of what’s available.

Enter, then, a new unofficial website by the name of Flixable, that aims to offer a far easier way to explore what’s on Netflix. Loading quickly, it allows you to browse swiftly, or search more easily too. Including ordering results by criteria that specifically includes how recently the results were added to the Netflix service.

If you’re using Netflix in the UK, there’s a specific version for the British service that you can find here:

And if you want to browse Netflix US, take a look here:

It’s a site that might just save you an awful lot of time…!