president barack obama

What TV shows did Barack Obama enjoy in 2020?

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What does former President Barack Obama do when he’s not campaigning for his party or running the Obama Foundation? It turns out he watches a lot of the same TV Cultbox visitors do!

Over on Twitter (@BarackObama) Barack Obama has been sharing his favourite things of 2020, including music, books, films and TV shows. The lists are interesting, and while the book list has much of the content you might expect (and excludes his own recent book A Promised Land), the TV list has much in it you will recognise.

Barack Obama favourite TV 202
Barack Obama — favourite TV 2020

The list is (we assume) in no particular order, but while positive and intelligently written show’s like The Good Place, aren’t necessarily a surprise, it’s more of a surprise to us to see The Boys listed as well. It’s fair to say it was a surprise to them as well (see executive producer Seth Rogen’s Twitter feed here).

The former President also found time to enjoy The Queen’s Gambit (didn’t’ everyone?) and Alex Garland’s Devs. It really is an intriguing list.

Does it matter? After all, unless he never watches TV, he must catch a lot of the shows everyone else does. What matters is he took the time to name these shows, aware of the attention it would focus on both them and him.

If nothing else, next time you bump into him, it gives you something to talk about beyond the weather!