Film Research Paper Topics: Ideas and Tips

Writing an article on film-related disciplines is not an easy task. There are too many things that you should consider and focus on. One such challenge is coming up with decent research paper topics. How to choose the film that deserves your attention? What perspective to take while exploring this motion picture? And how to … >

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Don’t Blink – Weeping Angels board game coming from Gale Force Nine

The statuesque Doctor Who villains are also battling a pair of Doctors on audio this July. Fresh from their appearances in Flux, including the entertaining Village of the Angels, the monsters are adding both a board game and a new audio drama to their repertoire in the coming months. Amazingly, it’s almost fifteen years since … >

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5 things we’d like to see in a second season of ‘Class’

In its brief eight-episode run, Doctor Who’s teenage spin-off introduced us to a diverse gang of characters forced into friendship through adversity. With an initial release on the online-only BBC Three last autumn, and then some rather shoddy scheduling on late-night BBC One earlier this year, viewing figures have been unspectacular and there has been … >

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