‘Being Human’: Series 2 DVD review
The concept of BBC Three’s Being Human is so zeitgeist that it could have been written on the back of a beer mat in the pub behind BBC’s Broadcasting House.
The concept of BBC Three’s Being Human is so zeitgeist that it could have been written on the back of a beer mat in the pub behind BBC’s Broadcasting House.
Despite some effective moments of tension, BBC One’s recent The Day of the Triffids adaptation is ultimately let down by a poor script, sloppy pacing and disjointed story-telling.
Perfect rainy Saturday afternoon entertainment, even if you happen to be watching it in the middle of the week, BBC One’s Merlin returns with the final half of the second series.
To celebrate the return of 24 with its eighth season on Sunday 24th January 2010 on Sky1, we bring you four great (totally spoiler-free) drinking games.
Are you ready for your treatment? The creator of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Firefly returns to the network that, if you believe fan furore, hasn’t always treated him well in the past.
Don’t let anyone tell you that the BBC’s 2005 reinvention of Doctor Who was anything other than a major surprise.
Charlie Brooker discusses his new TV series, Dead Set, which he describes as a zombie romp set in the Big Brother house.
The third season of Prison Break is a severely truncated affair, having run foul, along with many other shows at the time, of the writers’ strike.
As soon as Series 5 was reaching its watery conclusion, the green light had already been shone on this next run of BBC One’s popular spy drama.
From the people that brought us Spooks and Life On Mars, you’d expect something pretty darn original.