‘In the Flesh’: Episode 3 review

You’ll have noticed this already, but In the Flesh has not been about zombies. It’s been a kitchen sink drama, disguised by rotting flesh. The pale skin and the mutated eyes designed to attract your attention as, underneath, the thoroughly human message of the show has played out: the human capacity for love and forgiveness. It just so happens that the restless dead make a great allegory for laying things to rest.

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‘In the Flesh’ Series 1 episode guide

Coming soon to BBC Three, three-part drama In The Flesh tells the story of zombie teenager Kieren Walker (Luke Newberry) and his reintegration back into both the local community and the heart of his family.   Episode 1 Sunday 17 March 2013, 10pm > Read our review. After his death four years ago, his friends … >

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