Doctor Who: Genesis of the Cybermen cover art crop

Big Finish release ‘Genesis of the Cybermen’ Lost Story

Cyber co-creator Gerry Davis ideas become an audio drama for the Fifth Doctor’s Season 19 team. While we famously saw the ‘Genesis of the Daleks’ in 1975, the origins of the Cybermen were only alluded to during Doctor Who‘s classic television run. Instead, they appeared fully formed in ‘The Tenth Planet’, with the cloth-faced monstrosities … >

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Cyberman from Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet (1966)

Genesis of the Cybermen – Big Finish announce Doctor Who Lost Story

The audio drama draws on the ideas of the Cybermen co-creator Gerry Davis.  The Fifth Doctor met the Cybermen on television in the fateful ‘Earthshock.’ However, before that storyline became a fixed point in Doctor Who history, an alternative idea explored the origins of the metal men from Mondas. While the Cybermen were first introduced in … >

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Deathworld – Doctor Who The Lost Stories audio review

The first concept for show’s 10th Anniversary story saw three Doctors in a fantastic battle with Death.  ‘The Three Doctors’, Doctor Who’s tenth anniversary tale, set the template for multi-Doctor encounters. For all its charm, however, it wasn’t without its drawbacks; the Season 10 opener suffered from poorly realised visuals and a dose of run-of-the-mill … >

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Doctor Who - The Lost Stories 8.2 Operation Werewolf cover art crop

Big Finish announce two more Lost Doctor Who Stories (updated)

‘Operation Werewolf’ and the original plan for ‘The Three Doctors’ both become Doctor Who Lost Stories.  Updated 07/06/24: Cover, cast and further details revealed for ‘Operation Werewolf’. While ‘Deathworld’, which eventually evolved into ‘The Three Doctors’ naturally fascinates, there’s a second lost Doctor Who story imminent. Today, audio producers Big Finish have unveiled the cover … >

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Doctor Who and the Ark – The Lost Stories 7.1 audio review

Big Finish adapt an earlier draft of the tale which eventually became ‘The Ark in Space’.  You’d be hard pressed to find a Doctor Who fan who doesn’t hold ‘The Ark in Space’ in high esteem. However, Tom Baker’s second story came to the screen via a rather tortured path. Initially penned by another writer, … >

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Doctor Who Lost Stories - Genesis of Terror Big Finish cover art crop

Daleks! Genesis of Terror – Doctor Who The Lost Stories audio review

Big Finish explore Terry Nation’s original plans for the story which became the classic Genesis of the Daleks.  Over the years, audio producers Big Finish have breathed life into numerous lost Doctor Who Stories. Drawing on a variety of sources, such as unmade scripts and proposed storylines which never entered production, they’ve unearthed some gems … >

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Doctor Who Lost Stories - Genesis of Terror Big Finish cover art crop

Doctor Who – The Lost Stories – more reimagined Tom Baker audio tales

Big Finish are bringing us two further alternate takes on familiar tales from the Fourth Doctor’s first season.  With most of the best-known “lost” Doctor Who stories now produced on audio – that’s stories which for one reason or another originally didn’t make it to the small screen – audio producers Big Finish have begun … >

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Mind of the Hodiac – Doctor Who The Lost Stories audio review

Thanks to a lucky lockdown discovery Mind of the Hodiac, Russell T Davies’ earliest script for Doctor Who, gains a new life on audio.  Unearthed while he was preparing for one of the Doctor Who: Lockdown! live tweetalongs, Mind of the Hodiac was a speculative script for mid-1980s Doctor Who. Featuring Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor … >

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Doctor Who: The Doomsday Contract cover art

The Doomsday Contract – Doctor Who The Lost Stories 6.2 audio review

The Doomsday Contract was a storyline originally developed during Douglas Adams tenure as Doctor Who Script Editor. Written by his friend and sometime Hitchhiker’s Guide collaborator John Lloyd, it was put aside when the writer became too busy with other work. Now, approximately forty-two years later, drawing on two original synopsis documents, adaptor Nev Fountain … >

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