New Big Finish Original drama announced: OCAS

The political satire takes place in the years following an anti-capitalist revolution.  As well as creating audio dramas for established series such as Doctor Who and Blake’s 7, and rebooting shows like The Prisoner and V, audio producers Big Finish productions have an established line of original drama productions. They’ve dabbled in the worlds of … >

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Doctor Who: Genesis of the Cybermen cover art crop

Big Finish release ‘Genesis of the Cybermen’ Lost Story

Cyber co-creator Gerry Davis ideas become an audio drama for the Fifth Doctor’s Season 19 team. While we famously saw the ‘Genesis of the Daleks’ in 1975, the origins of the Cybermen were only alluded to during Doctor Who‘s classic television run. Instead, they appeared fully formed in ‘The Tenth Planet’, with the cloth-faced monstrosities … >

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Call Me Master: Inner Demons cover art crop

Call Me Master – details of Sacha Dhawan’s first Masterly box set (updated)

The Jodie Whittaker-era Master makes his audio debut in Call Me Master: Inner Demons.  Updated 27/02/25: Call Me Master is released! Originally announced way back in 2022, at a Big Finish Day event, the first audio box set starring Sacha Dhawan’s Master has finally arrived. Call Me Master: Inner Demons features three adventures for the … >

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Dark Gallifrey – 2025’s first trilogy stars Missy (updated)

It’s time for a clash of the umbrellas as Missy encounters the Seventh Doctor for her Dark Gallifrey trilogy. Updated 24/02/25 – First cover revealed The epic Dark Gallifrey audio series returns with the first part of its third trilogy, starring Missy, in April 2025. The story comes from Rochana Patel, who wrote ‘The Legend … >

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Doctor Who sounds from Radiophonic Workshop archive now available

In collaboration with BBC Studios, Spitfire Audio will offer BBC Radiophonic Workshop’s historical collection of music and sound from Doctor Who. Spitfire offers a sampling of sounds from the Doctor Who theme to the sound the TARDIS makes when it materializes to the voice of the Daleks. The archive is now publicly available for the … >

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The Ninth Doctor Adventures

The Ninth Doctor and Rose reunite for a new audio drama series

Big Finish announced a series of audio adventures starring Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.  Twenty years ago, Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper reinvigorated Saturday evenings with their starring roles on Doctor Who. As the traumatised Ninth Doctor and his new companion Rose Tyler, the pair visited the end of the world, met Charles Dickens and … >

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The Fifth Doctor Adventures - Hooklight 1 cover art

Doctor Who: Hooklight – Big Finish announce an epic Fifth Doctor tale (updated)

Told across two box sets, Hooklight stars the Season 19 TARDIS crew.  Updated 12/02/25: Hooklight first trailer! Ahead of its April launch, Big Finish have revealed our first glimpse of Hooklight, in an auditory sense that is. Launching in April 2025, writer Tim Foley’s twelve-part tale promises a great quest for the Fifth Doctor and his … >

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The Sixth Doctor Adventures - The Cosmos and Mrs Clarke cover art crop

Big Finish announce a rematch for the Sixth Doctor & Iris Wildthyme

The transtemporal adventuress returns in a new Doctor Who audio drama from her creator Paul Magrs.  The long history of Doctor Who is sprinkled with big characters, some with even bigger personalities. Two of the largest are surely Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor and Katy Manning as Iris Wildthyme. Iris Wildthyme While onscreen, Ms Manning played … >

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