Doctor Who The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 cover artwork

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 2 continues Big Finish’s sojourn within the “E-Space Trilogy”. Set during Tom Baker’s final television season, two four-part stories feature companions Romana, Adric and K9. Returning to their own universe involves travelling through a CVE, a Charged Vacuum Emboitement, and the search for such a spatial anomaly is … >

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Fourth Doctor Adventures S9 Vol 1 cover art

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1 audio review

The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 9 Volume 1 returns us to Tom Baker’s final season on-screen. Set during the “E-Space trilogy”, it reunites the Doctor with Romana II, Adric and K9 for the first time on audio. Notwithstanding some interesting stories, and our favourite version of Tom’s outfit, we find this era of Doctor Who hard work. … >

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Doctor Who: Serpent in the Silver Mask review

Despite reaching its 236th release, the Big Finish Doctor Who main range is as vibrant as ever. In this latest release, David Llewellyn’s Serpent in the Silver Mask, elements of comedy are effortlessly blended with the sinister and a detective mystery, one which the fifth Doctor (Peter Davison) and companions must solve, and quickly, before … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips: The Ingenious Gentleman Adric Of Alzarius review

The Doctor Who Short Trips range continues with Matthew Waterhouse narrating The Ingenious Gentleman Adric Of Alzarius, a fifth Doctor, Adric (of course), Nyssa and Tegan story. As the synopsis hints, writer Julian Richards takes Adric to a mythic landscape, where there be giants (or perhaps windmills), an evil enchanter, a hero in the form … >

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Doctor Who Short Trips: The Ingenious Gentleman Adric Of Alzarius review

Big Finish’s Doctor Who Short Trips range continues with Matthew Waterhouse narrating The Ingenious Gentleman Adric Of Alzarius, a fifth Doctor, Adric (of course), Nyssa and Tegan story. As the synopsis hints, writer Julian Richards takes Adric to a mythic landscape, where there be giants (or perhaps windmills), an evil enchanter, a hero in the … >

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‘Doctor Who’ star Matthew Waterhouse reveals his favourite TV shows

Matthew Waterhouse played Doctor Who companion Adric from 1980 to 1982. A young native of the planet Alzarius, which exists in the parallel universe of E-Space, Adric was the youngest male companion so far in the series and appeared in 40 episodes with the Fourth and Fifth Doctors. Matthew’s autobiography, Blue Box Boy: A Memoir … >

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Big Finish’s ‘Dark Shadows: Bloodlust’ audio story review

For the uninitiated, Dark Shadows was a spooky American soap which ran daily for five years beginning in 1966, and now holds cult status. Revived on various occasions since, not least by Tim Burton for his 2012 Johnny Depp fronted movie, it has found a home at Big Finish Productions since 1996 for a series … >

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