Master! boxser cover art

Master! – Doctor Who audio boxset review

Master! sees Eric Robert’s incarnation of the dastardly Time Lord, first seen in the 1996 TV Movie,  let loose. While he has returned a few times on audio, most recently in Masterful, this boxset offers the villain centre stage. Along for the ride too is Big Finish’s homegrown heroine Vienna Salvatori (Chase Masterson). The impossibly … >

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Doctor Who The Lovecraft Invasion cover

Doctor Who: The Lovecraft Invasion audio review

The Lovecraft Invasion is destined to be known as the Big Finish Doctor Who story that had to be delayed. As far as we know this was to ensure the messaging around Lovecraft was clear. His racist views are abhorrent and (with extra lines here and there) Big Finish makes its position in this regard clear. … >

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Doctor Who Shadow of the Sun cover

Doctor Who: Shadow of the Sun audio review

Big Finish recorded Shadow of the Sun entirely in lockdown, and released it as well — something for which they should be congratulated. It’s a Fourth Doctor tale, with Leela and K9 in the TARDIS as it lands on a luxury star-liner. For once the only threat is conversation over canapés and cocktails — what could … >

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The Paternoster Gang Heritage 3

The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 3 audio review

The Paternoster Gang: Heritage 3 is a welcome return for the Great [Silurian] Detective Madame Vastra (Neve McIntosh), her maid / wife Jenny Flint (Catrin Stewart) and Sontaran butler Strax (Dan Starkey). The previous sets, Heritage 1 (June 2019) and Heritage 2 (October 2019) proved this Doctor Who spin-off can stand in its own right. These were enjoyable … >

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