Doctor Who audio dramas we’re looking forward to in 2025

There’s another massive year coming as Jodie Whittaker joins Big Finish to lead her own series of Thirteenth Doctor audio dramas in 2025.  Producers Big Finish celebrated twenty-five years of making official Doctor Who audio dramas in 2024. However, they’ve no signs of slowing down with a packed schedule for the year ahead. Here are … >

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Peter Davison as the Fifth Doctor. seated and holding a cricket bat

Doctor Who: Hooklight – Big Finish announce an epic Fifth Doctor tale

Told across two box sets, Hooklight stars the Season 19 TARDIS crew.  Doctor Who audio producers Big Finish have announced a 12-part drama for Peter Davison’s Fifth Doctor. Released in April and May 2025, Hooklight sees the Doctor, Adric, Nyssa and Tegan embarking on a great quest. We’re told that the vast, multi-layered story spans … >

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The Davison era at Forty: Janet Fielding interview

Celebrating Forty years of the Fifth Doctor, Doctor Who star Janet Fielding answers our questions.  2022 marks forty years of the Fifth Doctor era and audio producers Big Finish are celebrating with two boxsets. Forty was released in January and Forty 2 comes out today. Across three stories, featuring classic villains, Peter Davison’s Doctor spends … >

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Doctor Who: The Lost Resort and other stories cover art

The Fifth Doctor Adventures: The Lost Resort and Other Stories review

The Lost Resort and Other Stories sees Peter Davison’s Fifth Doctor reunited with his companions Nyssa, Tegan and Marc. Suffering a crisis of conscience, in the wake of Marc’s partial cyber-conversion, he temporarily abandoned them on a supposedly safe planet – eventually choosing to return after a series of solo adventures. This boxset, containing three … >

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