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Big Finish announce a rematch for the Sixth Doctor & Iris Wildthyme

The transtemporal adventuress returns in a new Doctor Who audio drama from her creator Paul Magrs.  The long history of Doctor Who is sprinkled with big characters, some with even bigger personalities. Two of the largest are surely Colin Baker’s Sixth Doctor and Katy Manning as Iris Wildthyme. Iris Wildthyme While onscreen, Ms Manning played … >

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Doctor Who: The Trials of a Time Lord – audio box set review

Old Sixie is back for a tale which features enemies from all across his era.  This year, Big Finish are celebrating Colin Baker’s four decades as the Sixth Doctor. They’ve done this with two longer tales, each bringing in elements from his time onscreen and his many audio dramas. The first audio box set, The … >

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The Quin Dilemma – Doctor Who audio review

Big Finish celebrates forty years of the Sixth Doctor, surrounding him with many of his companions.  Remarkably, four decades have passed since we first met the bombastic Sixth Doctor. Initially self-righteous and quite unlikable, dressed in a technicolour nightmare, there was a plan to peel back his layers over time. Colin Baker arrived during a … >

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The Quin Dilemma – Big Finish celebrate 40 Years of the Sixth Doctor (updated)

Multiple Sixth Doctors will converge to mark Ol’ Sixie’s forty years of TARDIS travel.  Updated 19/03/24: Trailer released for The Quin Dilemma. Ahead of its release on Friday, 22nd March, there’s a trailer for the celebratory Sixth Doctor tale. The Quin Dilemma sees four iterations of the bombastic Sixth Doctor drawn together to combat a … >

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