Torchwood: Dead Man's Switch cover design

Torchwood: Dead Man’s Switch review

November’s monthly Torchwood story pulls the spotlight away from the main Hub crew to push the focus back in the direction of the malevolent, machiavellian manipulator Bilis Manger. Last heard of in the deliciously dark Deadbeat Escape back in August 2018, Manger has lost none of his nefarious charms by the time the events of … >

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Cover of Torchwood Smashed audio from Big Finish

Torchwood: Smashed review

The latest monthly Torchwood release from Big Finish returns the spotlight to the character of Gwen Cooper, who was last heard from in the richly atmospheric standalone story Night of the Fendahl released back in April. That return to the mythos of the Fendahl made for a creepy and unnerving tale. Smashed has an altogether … >

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Torchwood One: Latter Days

Torchwood One: Latter Days review

This latest Torchwood One audio boxset offers a trilogy of tales shaped by different reflections on a common theme: the challenges that come from the ageing process, as the clichés of the “mid-life crisis” are gradually displaced by the personal upsets that can follow the end of a working life, the onset of illness and … >

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Big Finish - Torchwood - The Vigil - front cover

Torchwood: The Vigil review

Thrown together through the luck-of-the-draw of the Torchwood recruitment process, this pair of newbie investigators could hardly be more ill-matched. Toshiko Sato is diligent, attentive, meticulous and aims to excel in everything she’s asked to do. Her fellow recruit Sebastian Vaughan is something else entirely. Born into a family of wealth and privilege, Sebastian is … >

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Torchwood: The Hope review

Reunited from May 2017’s dark, disturbing and deeply funny ‘Corpse Day’, the latest Torchwood monthly release features Owen Harper (Burn Gorman) and PC Andy Davidson (Tom Price) working undercover. The story begins with Owen delivering a fatal cancer diagnosis to a prison inmate. Andy is on the case too, as a prison warden, with the … >

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Torchwood: Serenity review

The dynamic between Captain Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones has always been one of the most entertaining relationships within the Torchwood team, and the chance to have the pair reunited on audio (as Big Finish jumps around the Torchwood timeline) is always an appealing prospect. In Serenity, the latest adventure, written by James Moran, there’s … >

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The Lives of Captain Jack Volume 2 cover art

The Lives Of Captain Jack Volume 2 review

Two years on from his first solo outing on audio, under his own name rather than as part of Torchwood, Captain Jack Harkness is back for another trio of stories drawn from different points in his endless lifespan. A time-traveller, conman, hero and sometime companion of the Doctor, the vibrant former Time Agent was joined … >

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Torchwood: God Among Us Part 3 review

The massive flood triggered by the tsunami finale of the previous boxset of the God Among Us trilogy has left disaster in its wake as the third instalment opens. Cardiff Bay is in ruins, hundreds are dead, others are missing, and the shell-shocked survivors are hunkered down in inland refugee camps. But when it comes … >

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Torchwood: Sargasso review

“I’m a bloody truck driver from Cardiff, not Indiana Jones,” protests Rhys Williams as the life-or-death pressure mounts in the fourth instalment of Big Finish’s impressive Doctor Who monster themed Torchwood audio specials. Latest story Sargasso turns the spotlight on the plastic animators of the Nestene Consciousness, who have taken to the high seas in … >

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Torchwood: Sync review

The third in the new series of Doctor Who monster themed Torchwood specials teams the unlikely duo of Susie Costello and Margaret Blaine, who are thrown together to deal with an unexpected alien incursion that threatens to rain down death and destruction on the planet. Costello was the former second-in-command at the Hub, who hid … >

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