Torchwood: The Green Life review

This much-anticipated second release in the new series of Doctor Who monster-themed Torchwood audios returns to the setting of the classic 1973 Jon Pertwee story The Green Death: “the one with the giant maggots” as it is ubiquitously referred to in pop culture. For the majority of the story this is a double-act, as Torchwood’s … >

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Torchwood: Night Of The Fendahl review

A low-budget, low-rent film crew are shooting their latest schlock horror in the mocked-up catacombs of Fetch Priory. It’s a hackneyed, tawdry slasher, replete with all the overused “young woman as sacrificial victim” clichés. But this film project is not just a case of tacky production values and poor creative choices. This movie director and … >

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Torchwood: God Among Us Part 2 review

As the second instalment of this latest Torchwood audio trilogy opens, the team is not in the best of shapes: colleagues are scattered and distracted, mutual trust is at an all-time low, several team members compete to set the organisation’s priorities, while behind the scenes an all-seeing deity and a mysterious Committee battle for control … >

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Torchwood: God Among Us Part 1 review

What will immediately strike many listeners picking up this latest Torchwood boxset from Big Finish (the four-story God Among Us Part 1) is how rich, layered and intricate the post-TV mythology of the Torchwood canon has become. With few concessions to anyone tuning in for the first time, this is not the most straightforward of … >

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Torchwood: Deadbeat Escape review

On a cold, dark and rain-lashed night in the Welsh hinterlands, solitary traveller Hywel Roberts seeks respite on a gruelling road journey home to see his dying father. The desolate roadside hotel he pulls up at has just one remaining free room, which the weary young man gratefully accepts. He soon discovers however, that he … >

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Audio review: Torchwood One – Machines

Back for a second box set based at Torchwood One after the success of Before The Fall, we return for another trio of London based stories with Yvonne Hartman and Ianto Jones, before their world was so rudely interrupted by warring Daleks and Cybermen. With a looser theme than the previous set, these stories begin … >

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Torchwood: Instant Karma review

The latest single disc Torchwood release from Big Finish is the darkly provocative tale Instant Karma. It’s a Toshiko Sato tale, and Naoko Mori is in fine form as she explores the nature of power and tests the adage about absolute power corrupting absolutely. The setup is simple, Toshiko is investigating some strange deaths and … >

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Torchwood 22: Goodbye Piccadilly review

This month, Big Finish serves up a sequel of sorts to 2016’s Ghost Mission, which saw Sgt. Andy Davidson paired up with 1950’s Torchwood operative Norton Folgate, played by Samuel Barnett (Dirk Gently, Big Finish’s Cicero). While the first story saw Norton in the present day, ostensibly there to assess Andy’s suitability to join the … >

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