3 of the best movies set in virtual reality

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Virtual reality. Just saying the words brings up tantalising and fascinating possibilities for us.

The idea that we could be a different person or live another life, has occupied our minds essentially since the invention of the computer chip. Not only is the business world virtually connected with servers like this, but virtual reality headsets will soon start to become commonplace for every man, woman, and child beginning next year. Take a look at some of the options imminently available to experience virtual reality.

Movies that revolve around the concept of living in a simulated world generally offer fun and frenetic action, as the notion that these characters can essentially do anything they like is heaven for filmmakers. Though there are huge amounts of possibilities to choose from, here are three live-action films that provide the best entertainment and enjoyment.


The Matrix

Sure, the second and third movies got a bit out-of-hand, with mind-bending philosophy and over-the-top action sequences (an unconvincing computer generated Neo is one to forget) failing to blow audiences away. That said, the one that started it all in 1999 remains a solid classic from start to finish.

The compelling story of a young man who lives a dismal existence, until he finds out what incredible potential he’s had the entire time whilst unknowingly living in a virtual world, was simply a joy to behold. And that’s even before we get to the incredible action sequences.

Unlike anything we’d seen before, The Matrix raised the bar in terms of integrating CGI with real actors, yet was restrained enough to use it only when necessary. Add hugely compelling characters, wondrous themes, and a pulsating soundtrack, and you’ve got a cinema masterpiece that still stands the test of time.



Though one could argue 2010’s Inception isn’t virtual reality as such, but the film’s notion of doing impossible things only in our dreams is reason enough for an inclusion. Another game-changer in terms of CGI and action sequences, Inception is a film that can be baffling to understand the more you watch it, as the question of “Is this another dream within a dream within yet another dream?” continues to plague viewers, with main character Cobb and his spinning top likely spark endless debates until the end of time.

That said, the film works fantastically well on many levels, as casual movie fans can simply enjoy the great action scenes and mind-bending trickery (an upside-down city is certainly a sight to see).


Tron: Legacy

While the original Tron in 1982 was a fairly average romp through a digital world, 2010’s Tron: Legacy provided some of the best edge-of-your-seat action scenes set in a computer simulation. With fights to the death by circular discs and on ‘light cycles’, Tron: Legacy really brings the computer simulation theme to life, with gorgeous neon lighting and fun sequences (not to mention handsome people in tight leather outfits).

The story of a son looking for his father in a computer game might seem a bit far-out, but the film is solid from beginning to end. Unfortunately, plans for a third film in the series have been scuppered, and no talk of a revival has yet to be discussed.