‘Homeland’: Season 2 Episode 5 teasers
Season 2 of Homeland continues this weekend and Brody is now a prisoner of the United States.
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Season 2 of Homeland continues this weekend and Brody is now a prisoner of the United States.
Rather than being staid or humdrum, Homeland is now heading into the great unknown, unpredictable and unmissable.
Season 2 of Homeland continues this weekend and Brody receives an unpleasant shock when he bumps into Carrie.
Like an express pulling out of a station, the second season of Homeland started hesitantly but is now building up a head of steam.
Season 2 of Homeland continues this weekend and Carrie’s unhappiness at being permanently excluded from the CIA takes her down a perilously dark path.
Now you can sing along with the hard-to-understand lyrics from Star Wars‘ ‘Duel of the Fates” by John Williams…
The closing scenes, so different and yet so perfectly juxtaposed, are more than enough to assuage any fears that Homeland might have lost its way.