Articles by:

David Lewis

‘Batman Forever’ recut by Christopher Nolan

Batman Forever was the weediest of the 1990s Batman movies – and ergo the worst entry in the Caped Crusader’s celluloid chronology. It wasn’t as dark and moody as the two Tim Burton films or Christopher Nolan’s greyscale trilogy of gloom, and it wasn’t a camp, so-bad-it’s-funny rubber fetish fest like Batman & Robin, which … >

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‘The Dark Knight Rises’ vs. ‘My Little Pony’

Dodgy mash-up ahoy! What do you get if you combine the cutesy, harmless innocence of the merchandise-opportunistic equine chums from My Little Pony and the massively-overexposed main trailer from violent gloom-fest The Dark Knight Rises? You get Rainbow Dash as Batman, Scootaloo as Alfred, Discord as Bane and a headache at the wrongness of it … >

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New York zombie experiment

‘Could zombies live among us?’ asks this video, purporting to be serious, but of course, it’s just a great excuse – if one were needed – to slap on some cool undead makeup and shamble around the streets of New York, groaning and terrifying people. Which is fine by us.

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2Pac vs. Thomas the Tank Engine

The late rapper Tupac Shakur was always astute enough to combine his lyrics with a groovesome backbeat, but it’s unlikely that even his musical ear was attuned enough to spot the potential of mixing ‘Thug 4 Life’ with the theme tune from Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends. Even if it was, Tupac’s untimely death … >

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‘A Touch of Cloth’ review

A Touch of Cloth is an endless stream of great and (deliberately) bad jokes, puns, sight gags and pratfalls, all played in the best, strictly deadpan traditions of Zucker, Abrahams and Zucker.

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‘Droidfriend’ by C3-BIEB-0

C3P0 may spends his time chilling in the Falcon with his buddy R2, but what he really wants to be is your droidfriend. Despite the homoerotic glances he shares with Luke Skywalker and some confusing references that seem to be aimed at sworn enemy Han Solo, it seems to be Oola – Jabba the Hutt’s … >

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Bungle the Bear in… ‘Jaws’

It’s fairly well-known these days that the actor who played Bungle on Rainbow was arrested in 2000 following a foulmouthed road rage incident, and many are aware that the same gentleman was once caught on-mic during a recording for the popular children’s series, remarking, ‘It’s fucking hot in this suit.’ However, a better-kept secret is … >

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‘Earth: The Pale Blue Dot’

What do you get if you combine the words of cosmologist and author Carl Sagan with some stunning time-lapse photography and moody piano-playing? Something bizarre, beguiling and beautiful, that’s what…

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‘Doctor Who’: ‘Dimensions in Time’ DVD production notes

In an era where 3D TV and movies are commonplace, the concept of the BBC doing a week of three-dimensional telly as if it was the most amazing scientific breakthrough since the invention of the wheel is unimaginable. Likewise, in an age where Doctor Who is one of the channel’s highest-rated and most bankable shows, … >

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‘The Day Today’: London Jam Festival

If you follow any Olympic naysayers on Twitter, you may have recently noticed a repeated hashtag about the chairman of LOCOG: #IHateSebastianCoe. Strong sentiments indeed, but while there’s no doubting the strength of feeling behind such tweets, it’s not just an attack on the former Conservative MP turned London 2012 overlord. It’s also a quote … >

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