Articles by:

David Lewis

‘Planes, Trains and Automobiles’: A love story

The idea of taking a film – usually, but not exclusively, a buddy movie – and turning it into a Brokeback Mountain-style story of forbidden passion is certainly not new, but it currently seems to be a popular ‘thing’ on YouTube. While many of these cut-ups are typically awful, some are pretty funny and the … >

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‘Casino’: Edited for language

No swearword is safe from the censor’s blue pencil when a movie is being trimmed for television. Especially (although not exclusively) in America, even the mildest profanity is unacceptable, and directors have long since learned the only path through the moral quagmire is to redub all the explicit language with harmless alternatives. Of course, this … >

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Cookie Monster Batman

Not bored of Dark Knight spoofs yet? Good. Here’s Commissioner Gordon chatting to the Caped Crusader, who seems less keen on street justice and more interested in a certain baked snack product…

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100 greatest maniacal movie laughs

The manically triumphant cackle of a villainous character or big screen loon is a trope as old as Hollywood itself, and the gleefully hysterical giggles just keep on coming. The hundred greatest frenzied guffaws in movie history – old and new, spoof and serious – have been compiled here, but be warned: this may drive … >

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We’re NASA (and we know it)

Despite the incredible images of Mars that the Curiosity Rover has transmitted back to Earth, scientists at Mission Control have remained resolutely po-faced, keeping their excitement contained behind stony visages. But away from the glare of the media, the nerds at NASA like to kick back…

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‘Fight Club’: A love story

The implicit love story between Tyler Durden and Jack in Fight Club is brought to the fore, thanks to the music and prosthetic bosom of Meat Loaf. Some might argue that if you take this to its logical extreme, Tyler is in love with himself. To which we reply: well… yeah, he totally is.

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