Articles by:

Ian McArdell

‘Atlantis’ Episode 12: ‘Touched by the Gods – Part One’ review

With the werewolf shenanigans of ‘Hunger Pangs’ past, and not even referenced, the opening part of Atlantis’s Christmas-straddling finale was rooted in earlier events. Returning in a dream that saw Hercules dead, Jason was reminded of the fateful bargain he struck with Pasiphae’s vengeful sister, the witch Circe. It was a creepy and effective start to a storyline full of promise.

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‘Atlantis’ Episode 10: ‘The Price of Hope’ review

After the dramatic events of ‘Pandora’s Box’ culminating in Medusa’s transformation into the snake headed monstrosity of legend, we had hoped Atlantis might maintain some momentum. Instead, tonight’s ‘The Price of Hope’ was a transitory piece, appearing principally to introduce two characters for later in the saga.

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‘Doctor Who’: ‘Beautiful Chaos’ (50th Anniversary Edition) book review

Gary Russell has connections with Doctor Who that stretch back many years. To name but a few, he has edited Doctor Who Magazine, produced, directed and written Big Finish audio stories and more recently been a Script Editor on both Who and Torchwood. He has also written a wealth of books on the subject, including ten novels across both the Virgin and the BBC ranges.

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