Peter Davison

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio story reviews: April 2016 round-up

In another busy month for the Doctor Who audio wizards, the Torchwood range featured the return of technical specialist Tosh for an adventure in ‘Zone 10’. April also provided the much awaited New Adventures adaptation, this time bringing the Seventh Doctor and Ace to the 1960s for Mark Gatiss’ atmospheric novel ‘Nightshade’. While The Fourth … >

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‘Torchwood’ audio story review: Tosh returns in ‘Zone 10’

One of the many joys with Big Finish’s new Torchwood series, apart from the great stories and range of authors, is catching up with characters we never thought we’d meet again. With ‘Zone 10’, writer David Llewelyn brings back Toshiko Sato (Naoko Mori), last seen dying in the second TV season story ‘Exit Wounds’. In ‘Zone … >

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‘Torchwood’ audio story review: Jack’s back in ‘The Victorian Age’

Launching their second season of audio adventures, hot off the heels of the first, the audio resurrection of Torchwood continues with a story set in the early days of the organisation. After establishing the organisation in the Doctor Who episode ‘Tooth and Claw’, as a reaction to her close encounter with an other-worldly Werewolf and … >

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Sophie Aldred and Sylvester McCoy

Big Finish’s ‘Doctor Who’ audio story reviews: March 2016 round-up

In another busy month for the Doctor Who audio producers, ‘Doom Coalition 2’ saw the return of the Eighth Doctor, Liv and Helen. This second volume brought them face to face with the Voord, delivered another encounter with Mark Bonnar’s fearsome unhinged villain ‘The Eleven’ and granted Eight a further brush with River Song. Kicking … >

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Audio review: Big Finish’s ‘Carnacki – The Ghost Finder’

Featuring the impressive vocal talents of sometime Sontaran and Hobgoblin Dan Starkey, the latest from the Big Finish Classics range features the Edwardian supernatural investigator, Thomas Carnacki. While the company has tackled grander and rather more well-known titles like Frankenstein and The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, William Hope Hodgson’s ghostly tales are more contained affairs. … >

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