‘Torchwood’ audio story review: Yvonne Hartman is back in ‘One Rule’

After reviving three of Torchwood’s core characters (sorry Rhys), this month’s star initially took us rather by surprise. Yvonne Hartman, the uber-professional self-proclaimed people person and director of Torchwood, hails from a time before the organisation had its own TV series; she made her fateful stand against the Cybermen in Doctor Who’s Season 2 finale … >

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‘Doctor Who’ book reviews: Christmas 2015 round-up

Aimed squarely at the Christmas market for younger fans, BBC Children’s Books have released a few Doctor Who related stocking fillers, in addition to October’s entertaining volume The Time Lord Letters and the stunning Impossible Worlds art book. Being young at heart, we decided to dive in and connect with our inner child…   Doctor … >

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‘Survivors’ audio boxset review: Big Finish’s Season 3

After a warm reception to Big Finish’s hard-hitting audio continuation of Terry Nation’s Survivors, this month sees the release of the third box set. Set in a world where huge swathes of the population have fallen victim to flu-like virus, the stories deal with the consequences and tough decisions facing those left behind as they … >

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Audio review: Big Finish’s ‘The Wonderful Wizard of Oz’

Having enjoyed the film countless times on television, plus having met the world of Oz again recently though the musical Wicked and Sam Rami’s 2013 prequel movie Oz the Great and Powerful, it is fair to say we thought we knew the story of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz quite well. This audio version, adapted … >

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‘Doctor Who’ novel reviews: ‘The Glamour Chronicles’

To accompany the current season, BBC Books have provided another trio of adventures for the Twelfth Doctor. Loosely themed ‘The Glamour Chronicles’, each of the adventures deals involves an encounter with the Glamour, a mysterious and bewitching element which can take many forms. > Buy ‘Royal Blood’ on Amazon. > Buy ‘Deep Time’ on Amazon. … >

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