‘Parks and Recreation: Pawnee’ book review

Let’s not beat about the likely raccoon-infested bush. As Rob Lowe’s Chris Traeger might say, ‘Pawnee: The Greatest Town in America’ is, literally, the best TV tie-in book ever written.’ Or, if you’d like it put in a more Ron Swanson style of succinctness, ‘It is a book. It is good. Read it.’

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‘The Further Encounters of Sherlock Holmes’ book review

Sherlock’s back! No, not the Cumberbatchy one. The papery one made of words. The original and best. And in Titan Books’ The Further Encounters of Sherlock Holmes, the Great Detective and his companion are solving crimes far more outrageous than those created by common murderers or master blackmailers. The result is as entertaining as the stories are ambitious.

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‘Doctor Who’: ‘Harvest of Time’ by Alastair Reynolds book review

As the book’s dedication makes clear, ‘Harvest of Time’ is a story that is as much about the Master as it is the Doctor.

After his capture at the end of ‘The Daemons’ the delightfully evil Time Lord has been kept under lock and key. However, he has been periodically released from his unique Nuclear Reactor prison and coerced into assisting with a new submarine communication system.

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‘Joss Whedon: A Creative Portrait’ book review

David Lavery’s book was originally intended to chart Joss Whedon’s successful television career and then ponder over his failure to translate it into big screen success. Fortunately, with his abortive Wonder Woman project now career footnote, it revels in the triumphant box office success of Marvel’s The Avengers.

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‘Doctor Who’: ‘Beautiful Chaos’ (50th Anniversary Edition) book review

Gary Russell has connections with Doctor Who that stretch back many years. To name but a few, he has edited Doctor Who Magazine, produced, directed and written Big Finish audio stories and more recently been a Script Editor on both Who and Torchwood. He has also written a wealth of books on the subject, including ten novels across both the Virgin and the BBC ranges.

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