‘Downton Abbey’ Season 5 Episode 5 review

Episode 5 opens as Aunt Rosamund arrives to solve Lady Edith’s predicament with “the farmer’s child.” As it happens, she only makes things worse. But we’re left with a glimmer of hope that Lady Edith may finally take matters into her own hands. We’re behind you, Lady Edith. Mrs. Patmore has inherited a bit of … >

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‘Our Girl’ finale review

As we reach Our Girl’s finale, separate story strands are dealt with in order to create a sense of closure for Army medic Molly (Lacey Turner), but there’s plenty of potential for further stories if a second season is commissioned. Smurf, Molly and Captain James’ scenario is handled with subtlety, yet poignant sadness. Having given … >

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‘Doctor Who’ review: ‘Flatline’

There’s nothing flat about this week’s episode of Doctor Who. Occupying the slot, and something of the feel, of the traditional Doctor-lite episode, ‘Flatline’, in the event, proves to be not so light on Doctor. Whether it’s Peter Capaldi delivering a performance that is literally out of the box, or Jenna Coleman’s Clara stepping up … >

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‘Peaky Blinders’ Season 2 Episode 3 review

Testosterone wafts off Peaky Blinders like moisture evaporating off a stallion’s flanks on a frosty November morning. And that’s about as poetic as you can be talking about this show, especially this week. The horse theme might gallop through the entire episode, but so too does an over-reliance on violence and profanity. None of it … >

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‘Doctor Who’ spoiler-free review: ‘Flatline’

For a while now, the writing’s been on the wall for The Doctor and Clara’s relationship, and this episode draws a very clear line in that story arc. Sometimes literally. We’re back to present day Earth, but due to a mix of a malfunctioning TARDIS and plot contrivance, several miles away from Danny, still at … >

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‘The Great Fire’ Episode 1 review

ITV have always done well when it comes to original period drama, but there’s no denying that it’s a genre that the BBC tends to have more success with. It’s a fact that is all too obvious as ITV tackles a tale of London’s most historical fire in The Great Fire, but falls short on … >

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‘Glue’ Episode 5 review

It’s a great showing for Glue this week, thanks to a more prolonged than usual focus on two if its strongest characters, and the reveal of answers to some important questions. If you’ve stuck with the drugs & dobbins drama so far then Episode 5 is a bit of a reward for your patience. Believing … >

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‘Downton Abbey’ Season 5 Episode 4 review

Relationships are strained and tension runs high at Downton as we reach the halfway point of the fifth season. The family continues to rub salt in poor Lady Edith’s wounds; that is until a touching scene with Lord Grantham. She’s had word from Michael Gregson’s office that the German thugs he was seen fighting with … >

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‘Our Girl’ Season 1 Episode 4 review

In the wake of last week’s revelations that the Taliban, and more specifically Bashira’s father Basrai, had ordered an assassination attempt on her life, this week we see the drama ramped up on all levels for Molly (Lacey Turner). Straight into the action and with less of the lighthearted, blokey banter that has punctuated previous … >

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‘Doctor Who’ review: ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’

Okay, hands up anyone who knew that this episode would crack an ‘Are you my Mummy?’ joke! Yep, that’ll be just about everyone then… With a title this brazen, we’d have been disappointed if ‘Mummy on the Orient Express’ had eschewed predictability. The latest in a sub-genre of Doctor Who stories that have given us … >

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