‘Outnumbered’ final episode review

And so BBC One’s award-winning and much-loved sitcom Outnumbered comes to an end, but does the finale do justice to the show’s seven year run? In essence, no. Sadly. It certainly doesn’t go out with a bang (though it does go out with a song; more of that later), the show leaves as humbly and … >

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‘Silk’ Series 3 Episode 2 review

Last week dealt with the murky underbelly of the police; this week it was the beautiful game. Martha’s compassion for her clients continued as she came to the defence of gay footballer Jordan Sinclair (a stellar Ukweli Roach), who was facing prison for breaking the jaw of a fellow player. The smear-campaign against Jordan by … >

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‘The Smoke’ Episode 2 review

Tonight’s second instalment of The Smoke had to decide which route to go down to establish itself as something different from the usual fire-and-rescue drama.

Less visual effects and significant focus on the characters seems to have been the right way to go, as Episode 2 potentially trumps last week’s debut for watchability and development.

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‘Line of Duty’ Series 2 Episode 3 review

Don’t know about you, but prison has never looked like a fun, ‘good times and noodle salad’ place to be.

It was hinted at in the first series of Line of Duty what happens to coppers who spend time at Her Majesty’s pleasure and, with Lindsay Denton remanded in custody, we see first-hand. Unsurprisingly, it’s not near as jolly as an episode of Porridge. Unless we missed that episode where Godber ate shit…

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‘Fleming’ Episode 3 review

So this week, Ian Fleming runs around spending money that isn’t his, sleeping with women he shouldn’t, drinking too much and generally getting whatever he wants. In quieter moments, he sets up a covert ops team, writes up plans for the original CIA, and confuses the Nazi war machine by chucking corpses into the sea with fake ID papers.

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‘Silk’ Series 3 Episode 1 review

Series 3 of Silk hit the ground running tonight. Within five minutes Martha Costello (complete with foxy new bob) lost a case, made a scene and kissed the face off of Clive Reader (Rupert Penry-Jones). Martha’s tendency to let her heart rule her head looks set to feature heavily over the next five episodes.

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