‘Mr Selfridge’ Series 2 Episode 6 review

As we enter the second half of the series, Mr Selfridge embraces tying up loose ends, expanding on existing ones and even opening the doors for new plotlines that will continue throughout the remainder of Series 2.

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‘Fleming’ Episode 2 review

We remember a time when Moonraker was on every Christmas. It seemed like there was no other Bond film in existence. It certainly seemed like no other Bond films got shown throughout the year.

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‘Line of Duty’ Series 2 Episode 2 review

At its present rate, by the finale of Line of Duty’s second series we at CultBox are going to be left so dumbfounded by the breakneck twists and dramatic turns that the only way we’ll be able to communicate in the way of a review will be with a .GIF of that Dramatic Chipmunk and ‘FIVE STARS’ beneath it.

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‘Suspects’ Episode 1 review

Channel 5, not traditionally known for supporting home-grown talent unless it’s emerging from a reality show, has piggy-banked enough to air its first original drama in nine years: Suspects. It’s a police procedural, shot in documentary style, and it’s semi-improved by the cast – are the alarm bells in your head ringing yet?

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