‘Prime Suspect: 1973’ review: Episode 4 is efficient but unexciting

There’s an early episode of The Simpsons where, with the plot seemingly resolved partway through the episode the family gathers on the sofa. “Everything really wrapped up nicely,” declares Homer with satisfaction; “And much quicker than usual” he adds, with a post-modern awareness of how TV works. I mention this only because it’s how I … >

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‘Legion’ review: ‘Chapter 6’ pauses the manic momentum

Legion has taken us on a mad, brilliant rollercoaster of shocks and scares in the last few episodes, but it was inevitable that the ride would have to slow down eventually. ‘Chapter 6’ brings Legion to something of a chapter break before the season’s endgame, pausing the manic momentum of recent episodes to take stock … >

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‘Fortitude’ review: Season 2 Episode 8 is an uneven chapter

An uneven chapter of Fortitude, this week’s episode contains some flashes of brilliance amongst its cruder plot developments. Vladik puts the final preparations in place for his ritual, though takes the time to murder a few unfortunate witnesses and give Elena a makeshift funeral. It’s a relief to see someone treat the much-maligned Elena like … >

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